2018-11-14 09:37:54 编辑:无 浏览:(7117次)
下一场的预测如约而至啦~ps:这个版本的预测已经是最小范围,所有话题都在考官考试范围,也是按高频顺序最新排序的预测,9-12月雅思口语题库范围一样,但同理本预测针对最近考试的出现的话题次序为大家重新排列, 所以2018年11月17日的考生可以按照以下顺序来进行备考, 当然最终大家需要把以下最小范围预测的所有话题准备到,烤鸭们动起来~
同理由于Part 1和Part 2考官会按照考试话题册来选题,因此也就有了如下的必考雅思口语预测话题范围。而Part 3 is the further discussion of Part 2 topic(Part 3是关于Part 2话题的进一步讨论). 在Part 3中,考官具体在考场上会问某考生哪一个具体问题也是存在考官临场发挥性等特点,比如同一位考官在问到不同考生时Part 3问题也会存在随机变化,具有“追问性”和“抬杠性”,是没有固定精准问题的。因此本精准预测只针对必考Part 1和Part 2来进行。下面的每一个话题都在考官的话题册范围内,已经是最小范围预测,请不要错过以下任何一道话题,因为考官会面对不同考生时随机在下面的话题中进行选择并考试哦。
l What’s your full name?
l Is there any special meaning of your name?
l Do you like your name? Why/why not?
l 通用问题Are you studying or working?
More questions for Students:
l What subjects are you studying?
l Why did you choose to study your major? / Do you like your major?
Questions for Working people:
l 通用问题Are you studying or working?
l What work do you do? (如果Are you studying or working?处的回答未曾提及具体工作)
l Why did you choose to do that job?
l Do you think being a student is better? / Do you miss being a student?
l Do you like your job?
l Do you prefer to live in a house or flat?
l Do you live in a house or a flat?
l How long have you lived there?
l Which room (of your home) do you like best?/Can you say something about the room?
l Which room do you spend most of the time with your family in?
l Where’s your hometown?
l Do you like living there?
l Where do you live?
l Are there any differences between your hometown and living city?
l What kind of paintings/drawings do you like? And why?
l Do you like painting?
l Have you ever learned anything about painting?
l Is there any painting or drawing class in Chinese primary schools?
l Do you think painting is an important skill?
l Do you have any experience of being drawn a portrait by someone? You like it?
l Are there many parks/gardens in the city you are living in? enough?
l Do you like parks?
l What kind of people like parks?
l Are there any plants in your home?
l Who is responsible for keeping these plants?
l Have you ever learned anything about plants?
l In your culture, can people send plants as gifts?
l Which season do you like most? And why?
l Do you like to live in the city with only one season or four distinct seasons?
l What do you often do in your favorite season?
l How often do you drink water?
l Is bottled water expensive in your city?
l Is bottled water different from tap water?
l Do you have any experience of being thirsty?
l Do you like taking photos?
l On what occasions do you often take photos?
l How do you often keep your photos?
l How often do you buy shoes?
l What kind of shoes do you like?
l Do you prefer comfortable shoes or fashionable shoes?
l Do you often buy shoes on line?
l Why do some people buy many pairs of shoes?
l Do you like wearing sunglasses?
l Have you ever bought any sunglasses?
l Have you ever bought any sunglasses for others as gifts?
l Have you ever lost any sunglasses?
l Do you like cooking?
l Is breakfast very important?
l Do you prefer to eat out or to cook at home?
l Tell me something about a special meal you had last time at home.
l What colors do you like?
l Do you like dark colors?
l What colors do you often wear in?
l Do colors of cars matter for you?
l Do you like watching movies? What kind of movies?
l How often do you go to cinema? With whom?
l Have movies that you like changed a lot?
l Do you like the city you are living in now?
l Which city have you been to recently?
l Do you prefer the city or the countryside?
l What kind of cities do you like?
l After your graduation, which city do you want to settle down in?
l Do you prefer dry or wet weather?/Do you like dry weather? (素材类似,二选一问)
l What kind of weather do you like most?
l What’s your favorite season?
l What kind of weather is typical in your hometown?
l Do you like holidays?
l What did you do during one of your unforgettable holidays?/ Where did you go during the last holiday?
l Where do you plan to go next holiday?
l Do you like making holiday plans?/ Are you good at it?
l Have you had any experience of saving money?
l How did you save money during the childhood?
l How should parents teach children how to use money?
l Have you ever given any money to children as a gift?
l Did your parents give you money for rent paying?
l When you were little, did your parents pay you money as award due to your doing some housework?
l When do you feel bored?
l What do you do when you are bored? (上文已提到的情况下,考官不会再问。但自己可以追加,如果有机会。)
l What did you do when you were bored in the childhood?
l How do people in your country get relaxed?
l Do people in your country like holding parties?
l Do you hold birthday parties?
l Is it good to hold parties for children?
l Do you like listening to music?
l What kinds of music do you like?
l Did you like the same kind of music with the music you liked in the childhood?
l Do you like live music?
l Do you like singing?
l Did you like singing in your childhood?
l Do you still remember the first day when you went to school?
l Do you like your high school?
l Who is the teacher you like most in your high school?
l Do you want to be a teacher?
l Do you like doing sports?
l Is there any other sport that you want to try in the future?
l What sports do people in your country like?
l Who is the most popular sportsman in your country?
l What sports do you often do? Indoor or outdoor?
l Do you like watching the Olympic Games?
l Do you often write letters?
l Have you written any postcards?
l Did you write letters when you were little? To whom?
l Do you receive more letters or emails on your birthday?
l Do you often write letters or cards?
l Do you like foreign food?
l What did you eat when you had foreign food for the first time?
l What kind of foreign food is popular in your country?
l What foreign food did you eat recently?
l Do you like trying new food?
l Do you like rainy days?
l Do you often take raincoats/umbrellas with you?
l What will you do if you do not take raincoats or umbrellas with you?
l How do rainy days affect people’s life?
l Do you wear a watch?
l Are you punctual?
l Have you ever been late for something?
l What can make you late for something? (与上题有重叠语义,所以当第一题已经说出迟到的原因的情况下,此题被问到的概率就会很低。)
l Do you think being punctual is important in your culture?
l How do you often go to work or school?
l How did you come here today?
l Do you often take public transports?
l What do you often do on public transports?
l Do you often use a map?
l How often do you use a map?
l When did you learn how to use a map?/ How did you learn how to use a map?/Who taught you how to use a map?
l Do you prefer to use an electronic map or a paper map?
l When do you often get up every day?
l What do you often do in the morning?
l Is breakfast important?(cooking已提过)
l What time do you like most in a day?
l Did you have the same daily routine when you were a kid?
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