2017-11-10 11:21:05 编辑:无 浏览:(4764次)
1. 你同意或者反对下列观点?学生按照自己的兴趣去阅读书籍,与完成教师分配的阅读任务同样重要,甚至比它更重要。
2. 你同意或者反对下列观点?对大学来说,配备先进的教学设施比聘请著名的教师更重要。
3. 你同意或者反对下列观点?现在的小学考虑花费更多的时间培养学生的技术(如计算机技术),而不是音乐和美术。
4. 学生应该把大部分的时间放在玩和学习上,而不是做家务,如做饭、打扫房间等。
5. 假设某大学要改建宿舍改善学生的住宿环境,你认为改善哪个方面最好?
A) 建一个房间以便安静的学习
B) 建一个健身房
C) 建一个休闲的场所(如电影院)
6. 有的人认为教师(学生年龄在14—18岁之间)应该在上课时注重引导和要求学生养成记笔记的习惯。而有的人认为教师应该鼓励学生多参与讨论问题和交流。你认为哪种教学方式对学生更有效?
7. 你同意还是反对下列观点?学生早晨应该早点来到学校。最近,一些学校要求学生早晨早到学校一点。这种做法,有的人很认同,认为早到学校是一个促进学习的好办法,但是也有的人认为晚些到校才是促进学生学习的好办法。
8. 一个好的领导应该多听他人的意见还是坚持自己的观点?
9. 下面两种工作你会选择哪一个?工资相同,一个有趣且有挑战性,但是假期很少;另一个有很多假期但是很枯燥?
10. 人们应该去接受新事物和新观念,这样才能更有可能取得成功。
1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students do reading by their own personality is as important as, or more important than reading assigned by teachers.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for a university to have advanced facilities rather than hire more famous teachers.
3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Primary school is considering spend more time on teaching young student technology (like computers) than teaching music and art.
4. Children should spend most of the time playing and studying, and they should not be required to do household chores, like cooking or cleaning.
5. The university will spend money on dormitory to improve the life quality of students, which of the following do you think is the best way?
i. providing a room for quiet study;
ii. building an exercise room;
iii. providing entertainment place(watch film).
6. Some believe that teachers (for students from age 14-18) should focus on lecturing and asking students to take notes during lectures. Others believe that teachers should get students involved in discussion and encourage them to exchange ideas in class. Which way of teaching do you think is more effective for students' learning?
7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should arrive school early in the morning. Recently some students need to arrive school at the early time in the morning. Some people think that starting school day early is a good approach to support learning, while other people think that starting school day at the later time is a good approach to support learning.
8. A best leader should listen to other people's opinions or insist his personal ideas?
9. Which do you prefer with the same rate of pay, an interesting and challenging job with less vacation or a job with more vacation time but less fun?
10. People should be open to new ideas and change his or her mind to be successful.
11. The group will be helped more by members who are willing to do what other group members want them to do than by those who strongly insist that things should be done in a different way.
12. Which is the most important thing for a country leader to assure the prosperity of country:
Create more jobs for unemployed worker;
Improve the agriculture to ensure the low price of food;
Increase access to affordable house.
13. The most important thing the government should do to improve health care is to clean the environment.
14. Do you think that it is better for to travel abroad when you're younger or older.
15. It is often not a good thing for people to move to a new town or a new country because they will lose their friends.
16. Movies are worth watching only when they teach something about real life.
17. It is more important to read or watch the news presented by people whose views are similar to your own than the news presented by whose views are different from your own.
18. It is easier for parents to raise their children than 50 years ago.
19. Technology designed to make our life simpler actually makes our life more complicated.
20. In order to relax, it is better to take physical exercises than to watch a movie or to read a book.
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